My blogging is a little behind my knitting, I restarted the elfine socks and I'm already on the second sock. I really didn't like the way the toes looked the first time around so I decided to use a turkish cast on for a much neater result. I'm not sure why I stalled on these, I think it had something to do with the needles. For some reason I kept bending them and hurting my hands on them, not a good time. Let's call it holiday stress. Thankfully I'm not as stressed now and can actually enjoy knitting these socks. But guess what, this is the last of the ufo's (not counting the mesh tank I need more yarn for)! Aren't you proud? I am! Though once I finish this pair of socks I won't have anything to knit. It's time for project ideas.
In the spirit of stash clearing, I would love to come up with a pattern for this brown and pink yarn. I have no clue what to knit though. Am I pushing my luck by knitting with variegated yarn a third time? Maybe. We'll just have to see won't we. What I do know is that I have a sweater's worth of this yarn just sitting in my stash mocking me. It's got to be used. I like the way it knits up on 5 mm's and I even get gauge for Jemima so that's one possibility. How about a couple more?
I've been eyeing that t-shirt sweater from the Ella Rae book for a while. I don't have a pattern for it, but it looks simple enough to make up. I like Mari's version and have the IK issue she modded from. The sweater under that one looks similar, but with a bigger scoop. I'm not so sure how that would look on a busty girl (who am I talking about?). My guess is: not great.
I love the cardigan to the right, but this is more of a 'well, if I have leftover yarn then maybe I can buy some solid yarn sans guilt and come up with a similar pattern" sort of sweater. The blue, eighties-looking sweater is from a Rebecca issue that I have in my stash and wouldn't mind knitting. I would probably end up making some shaping mods to it, but would mostly follow the pattern.
Any thoughts, suggestions? Any other patterns I should look at? Should I burn the yarn?