Dating the son of a dentist doesn't sound exciting or terribly interesting, but somehow I picked the one that keeps supplying me with blog and party stories to no end. Case in point? Before xmas I got a call from the dentist telling me how my tooth was apparently on a tour and everyone was so interested in it (way to make me feel like a freak!). This confused and annoyed me, what the hell was my tooth doing with other people? Hell, why is it even still around? Nevermind that, what really got me was what he said next: "I made you something for xmas!" My response? "It's not a necklace is it?!" I didn't know what to expect. I already hated this tooth for causing me four hours of pain and torture, now I have to wear it like my personal albatross? How do you even match your outfits to a tooth? Maybe it's cool for Angelina to wear a vial of blood around her neck, but I didn't want to go there. (Once you start wearing your teeth as accessories, you need to dress differently, get new friends, get a whole new lifestyle really. That's just too much work for me right now.)
Thankfully, it wasn't a necklace. Instead, I got my tooth back in a weird form of a memento mori (or would it be memento denti?). Maybe he failed to understand that I didn't want my tooth back, I mean if I wanted to keep it then I wouldn't have gone through surgery, right? Anyway, now I have a visual tool for my story of torture, I think it makes it very climatic when I whip this out at the part I say "and after hours of not budging..."
Actually looking at this tooth makes me wonder if it held some sort of magical power that I now lack. I haven't felt like myself since the extraction, my knitting is taking longer, my blogging has taken a nose-dive, and don't even mention housework. Sure, I could blame all of it on work, but no I think it's the tooth. Once it was ripped out of me I lost a little part of myself (har-dee-har-har). I bet this one contained knitting wisdom, which is now stuck in a little clear box. Look at how big that one root is! You can't tell me that wasn't a lot of knowledge in there. I have one more wisdom tooth left, I'm scared to find out what power that one contains.
In the meantime, my knitting continues at a slow pace. I've only had maybe an hour to knit at night, but my progress isn't too shabby. When we last saw the cardigan I had just split the sleeves, I think. It's grown a little since then.
I feel very theo huxtable in this pic, but I do what I have to do. I'm knitting the sleeves flat so that's why the one sleeve looks a little funky. I'm undecided about the length, I'm always undecided about length. I'm going to block it before I pick up the button bands to see if I should add some more or if blocking will add enough. I'm knitting this at a different gauge for my size, making it a few inches smaller than what the pattern calls for. I like my sweaters with little ease, but should bulky sweaters be like that? This is dangerous ground I tell ya. I'll need to think about this over the weekend. I sorely miss that wisdom tooth.