Second go around

I knit a lot when I'm stressed out, and looking through this blog I must be really stressed. Notice something in the picture? It's another FO! I got it done so fast that I didn't even get to list it before. That's the old Spiderweb Capelet from S'nB Nation, I'll spare you the details because this is the second one I knit up. I started it and finished it up today, all that's left to do is block it and lace some ribbon through it.
I'm not so sure what I'm stressed about. Maybe it's how quickly summer passed by and knowing that winter is just around the corner. Have I told you that I'm not much of a winter person? I really like fall, but there's something so sad about the leaves giving way to snow that I just can't get over. Fall always seems so fleeting, especially as the seasons get shorter according to some stores (I shouldn't be able to find plastic bats in August!). Winter brings snow and ice I refuse to drive in and x-mas which gets me down year after year. I love making and buying gifts for others, but there's something so anticlimatic about the actual day each year. Can I just skip it for this once?
Perhaps, if I knit up some arm-warmers then they will make fall last just a bit longer. I'll call them "hurry up fall armwarmers" (yep, I'm soo original) and use some lovely Diakeito Diamusee to cheer myself up. No Noro Kureyon for me thank you very much, it's just too scratchy. I think I'll also knit up a second sock in some bright caribbean blues in order to not look like a fool with one sock anymore. I'll also do some fall cleaning instead of the much hyped spring cleaning. Why clean up when everyone else is?